1. Advice and Information -

    This animation explains how organisations and sectors across West Sussex can use the West Sussex Wellbeing and Resilience Framework to transform the lives of residents.
  2. Response -

    Healthwatch Feedback on the draft Mental Health Strategy for Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
  3. Advice and Information -

    Are you worried or concerned about a young persons mental and emotional wellbeing? A support guide for parents and carers in West Sussex
  4. Advice and Information -

    Emma and a team of students called Mind & Soul, have created a guidance leaflet for young people about their mental health.
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    Need some help? We’ve put together a list of services to help you find support. It doesn’t cover everything available but it is a good starting point.
  6. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at our advice article on the organisations and groups that can support you if you’re grieving.
  7. Advice and Information -

    The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic may cause you to feel worried, anxious, or scared. Read our tips to looking after your wellbeing.
  8. Advice and Information -

    We know from listening to lots of local people, and from our own team members, good sleep is alluding many at the
    moment, maybe even the majority of us? Read our report to find out how to help yourself to sleep well.
  9. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at our advice article on the organisations and groups that can support you if you’re grieving.
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    A lot of us are now working from home, which can bring a lot of challenges, especially frequent alcohol drinking. Find out if you should be concerned about your drinking, and what to do if you need help.
  11. Advice and Information -

    The winter months bring many health and care challenges from Covid-19 to the flu, from loneliness to family stresses and strains.
  12. Advice and Information -

    We have compiled a list of useful support resources for West Sussex residents in need of support information and advice.
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    The winter months bring extra challenges with financial pressures, families all under one roof, and combined with the stress of coping with Covid-19 this year.
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    For those living alone sometimes loneliness and isolation can become unbearable and have an impact on their mental and physical health.
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    If you need medical help you should still contact your GP practice, use NHS 111 online or call 111. If you are told to go to hospital it is important that you go to hospital.
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    The NHS is providing a new and more convenient way for you to access urgent care. Find out what this means for you and your loved ones.
  17. Advice and Information -

    Children and young people are being encouraged to explore different ways of expressing themselves for this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week (1-7 February).
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    We are supporting Eating Disorder week which is taking place 1-7 March 2021. Beat is hosting the campaign to create a future where people experiencing binge eating disorder are met with understanding and compassion.
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    The recent lockdowns have had a profound effect on people’s mental health and wellbeing and as we come out of it there are many anxieties and worries. The theme for Men’s Health Week is “How do we move forward?”
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    People’s mental health has never been more at the forefront than now which is why we are supporting The Samaritans campaign – Talk to us, We Listen.
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    Mental health problems are more common among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQ+) people. If you are struggling, feel alone or need a little help, then check out our guide on how you can get the support you need.
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    Guidance for the development of health and care services for adolescents.
  23. Advice and Information -

    Download an Easy Read version of our 'Have your say' form.
  24. Advice and Information -

    2 November is National Stress Awareness Day
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    Free multi-agency Virtual and Face to Face Training Events for Safeguarding Adults, Safeguarding Children and children in care.
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    There is a hub that is designed both for adults who need support, and for family, loved ones and professionals in contact with at-risk older people. You are not alone if you are struggling.
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    The continuing cost of living crisis is negatively affecting people's physical and mental wellbeing, with vulnerable people and those on lower incomes hit the hardest.
  28. Advice and Information -

    Many children and young people who experience mental health problems aren't getting the help they need.