1. News -

    Ian Trenholm has been appointed as CQC’s new Chief Executive and will take over the role from Sir David Behan when he leaves in July.
  2. News -

    The West Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) is holding its next meeting in public in Littlehampton
  3. News -

    The South East Coast Ambulance Service Trust is pleased to report the Care Quality Commission has recognised a significant number of improvements to the service.
  4. Advice and Information -

    If you have urgent but not life-threatening symptoms, dial 111.
  5. News -

    Working together, The Disabilities Trust and Healthwatch West Sussex have created a new tool to support healthcare professionals to protect vulnerable people.
  6. Advice and Information -

    The government published the NHS Long Term Plan on 7 January 2019, backed by an extra £20bn a year for the NHS until 2023.
  7. News -

    Watch the latest video explaining what's happening at the moment with the Community Health Hub in Midhurst.
  8. Report -

    By working together with community organisations, we were able to understand and report issues people had experienced with the financial assessment process. Read how we followed-up on the recommendations to see how things are changing and improving.
  9. Blog -

    Keeping you up to date with health and social care news
  10. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at our advice article on the organisations and groups that can support you if you’re grieving.
  11. News -

    In these challenging times, this is an opportunity for anyone with concerns about cancer services, to access advice from experts. This includes but is not limited to cancer patients and those that care for friends and family with cancer.
  12. Blog -

    Join us and the Care Quality Commission to help shape health and social care services post COVID-19.
  13. Blog -

    July 31st marks the anniversary of the Accessible Information Standard being introduced. This has made a difference to the lives of many vulnerable people in West Sussex.
  14. Blog -

    Keeping you up to date with health and social care news
  15. Advice and Information -

    Four doctors’ surgeries in Crawley have produced multilingual videos explaining the importance of social distancing and the Covid-19 support available to patients.
  16. Report -

    We are supporting and working with community groups and clubs to promote a deeper understanding of local health and care needs and experiences. Here's our Spotlight on Southern Water.
  17. Report -

    We are supporting and working with community groups and clubs to promote a deeper understanding of local health and care needs and experiences. Here's our Spotlight on Sussex Community NHS
    Foundation Trust’s Living Well Programme.
  18. Report -

    We are supporting and working with community groups and clubs to promote a deeper understanding of local health and care needs and experiences. Here's our Spotlight on West Sussex County Council Library Service.
  19. Report -

    Many men experience higher rates of mortality and morbidity than women, which may reflect an array of biological, lifestyle and social factors.
  20. Advice and Information -

    Scarlet fever is usually a mild illness, but it is highly infectious. Therefore, look out for symptoms in your child, which include a sore throat, headache, and fever, along with a fine, pinkish or red body.
  21. Blog -

    Keeping you up to date with health and social care news
  22. Report -

    CancerWise is a support centre based in Chichester.
  23. Blog -

    New data from Healthwatch England reveals an increase in people avoiding vital care due to rising costs, and highlights how the cost-of-living crisis is creating barriers to accessing necessary healthcare.
  24. Advice and Information -

    What to look out for
  25. News -

    NHS in Sussex sets out strategic and operational priorities.
  26. News -

    Healthwatch in Sussex heard from 851 people across Sussex about their GP access following the COVID crisis. 56% of these people delayed making a GP appointment, even though they needed to do so
  27. Advice and Information -

    Join the Sussex Outpatient transformation team and other local people to help transform the Outpatient experience.
  28. Advice and Information -

    Support your local hospital and become a trust member for free
  29. Blog -

    Keeping you up to date with health and social care news
  30. Advice and Information -

    Health Ministers have announced that from April, NHS prescription charges will rise.
  31. News -

    Long COVID is a legacy of the COVID virus for many people in Sussex, impacting on their day-to-day lives, as well as their physical and mental wellbeing.
  32. Blog -

    Keeping you up to date with health and social care news
  33. News -

    NHS@75 – an invitation to have your say.
  34. News -

    On Friday 12th May, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) published its long-awaited report into University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust (UHSx).
  35. Report -

    My Care Matters is a not-for-profit social enterprise with a mission to improve the experience of care in any care setting for people with communication challenges.
  36. News -

    The cost of living is having a detrimental impact on people's decisions about their healthcare. But if you are disabled, on means-tested benefits or aged 18-24, you're more likely to avoid vital health services due to the fear of extra costs.
  37. News -

    From 1 July, primary care complaints function will be changing. Find out what these changes will mean.
  38. Report -

    Here is a summary of the breadth and depth of our work from October - December 2022, issues/concerns and our forward plan for the next 3 months
  39. Report -

    Here is a summary of the breadth and depth of our work from January - March 2023, issues/concerns and our forward plan for the next 3 months.
  40. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at Healthwatch Englands tips to help you prepare for your appointment and make sure you understand your treatment and how much it will cost.
  41. Advice and Information -

    From 29th September 2023, patients will not be able to order repeat prescriptions using the NHS Sussex POD telephone service. Responsibility for repeat prescriptions is being taken over by individual GP practices.
  42. Blog -

    St John Ambulance has set up the CPR Community Network to ensure that everyone has access to basic life support training in person, online or by using their Resource Hub to give you the confidence to respond in an emergency
  43. Blog -

    The report is looking at how people feel about virtual wards.
  44. Blog -

    Pharmacy services are yet to reach their full potential for patients, according to an expert panel’s report for a committee of MPs.
  45. Advice and Information -

    A lasting power of attorney (LPA) gives you a voice and protects your decisions. They are helpful for everyone over the age of 18. This legal document makes it easier for the people you trust to support you when you need it most.
  46. Blog -

    Finding out about people's experiences of dementia-related services and support in Sussex.
  47. Advice and Information -

    NHS England is moving forward the timetable for the autumn COVID-19 and flu vaccine rollouts.
  48. News -

    Healthwatch England new research shows worryingly low public confidence in being able to access NHS services. A third of adults in England lack confidence that they can access timely care, including GP services, mental health support and hospital care.
  49. News -

    Healthwatch West Sussex, Adur and Worthing Local Community Network, Pathfinder and West Sussex MIND are working collaboratively to learn from local people in the Adur and Worthing area what support and services might help you to support you or your families emotional, mental, and physical health.