Impact & Performance Report - April to June 2022 (Q1)

Here is a summary of the breadth and depth of our work from April to June 2022, issues/concerns and our forward plan for the next 3 months.

At a Glance

Supporting people living in pain

Learn how people’s experiences are shaping a new Sussex Muscular-Skeletal Service (MSK) from next year (see pages 3 and 4.)

Working with people and communities

We’re working with many communities: hosting networking events, providing opportunities to share stories and views, having one to one conversations and more. To see the breadth of our engagement see page 11.

Providing valuable information

Supporting people and their families to navigate health and care is challenging and requires time to enable them to access the support they need. Support calls with our Helpdesk take an average of 32 minutes and you can see some examples on page 6.


Impact and Performance Report Q1 - April-June 2022-2023

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