An alternative way of sourcing dental care?

Despite the importance of good oral health, access to dentists has long been a health inequality for people who are homeless/sleeping rough as our case studies illustrate. We look into alternatives to traditional building based dental provisions.

The lack of access to dental treatment for these people is worrying. We shouldn’t underrate the misery tooth pain can bring, nor its potential impact on someone’s mental health, self-esteem and confidence.

Healthwatch has raised concerns both locally and nationally that people cannot get access to NHS dental care other than for emergencies. Sadly, we are aware of a Dental Practice that has handed back their NHS contract in an area where many residents have told us they cannot get NHS treatment.

Is it time in West Sussex for our system to look at alternatives to traditional building based dental provision?

Update (16th November 2020)

Since publication, Dentaid has been funded Via the Rough Sleepers Initiative to run 12 clinics in Eastbourne and 12 in Hastings to improve the health of rough sleepers.

Quote from Dentaid:

“It is so refreshing that a council are willing to work imaginatively to secure the help which has been identified as needed. We are so excited with this development and are looking forward to starting in December.”


Healthwatch West Sussex - Case Study - Alternative Dental Provision- October 2020

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