Volunteering Opportunity: Involving People when a Residential Home is in CQC Special Measures

We are recruiting volunteers to work together with residents and families of care homes in special measures.
Care Home in special measures graphic - Vector created by iconicbestiary - www.freepik.com

When a care home goes into Special Measures, residents and their families may not completely understand what is happening. Vague communication between the home and the residents/families can result in unnecessary emotional upset if the home closes. 

We want to help make sure that when a home goes into special measures, they work together with residents and families to ensure everyone knows what is happening and that they are prepared practically and emotionally for the impact of potential change. 
We are looking for volunteers to help us by visiting care homes which are currently in special measures.

Volunteers will:

  • Visit a home regularly over a six month period
  • talk to residents about their thoughts, feelings and understandings
  • help service managers and regulators to have an appreciation of the human experiences of care home residents
  • and to support the care home to make improvements and safe changes in relation to their CQC report. 

Volunteers will come together for peer support in Billingshurst on 16th October, 27th November and 5th February (time to be arranged).

By March 2020, with help of our volunteers and team, we are hoping to have plenty of insight to produce a booklet or information sheet which will help guide care homes in a positive and encouraging direction out of special measures. 

If you’re interested in this project, please contact:
