Physician's Associate Poll

Tell us your experience of being seen by a Physician's Associate.
A patient seeing a Physician Associate

A Physician Associates support doctors in the diagnosis and management of patients. Like GPs, physician associates can take medical histories, carry out physical examinations and develop and deliver treatment and management plans. They cannot currently prescribe medication or refer patients for X-rays or CT scans. 
A detailed explanation of a Physician's Associate is available on the NHS website.  
Healthwatch in Sussex as the local independent champion for health and care would like to hear about your most recent experience of being seen by a Physician's Associate, including:  
- Do you understand what a Physician's Associate does? 
- Did seeing a Physician's Associate meet your needs? 
- How does seeing a Physician’s Associate compare to seeing a GP? 
- Is there anything that would have made your experience better? 
Closing date: Midnight on Sunday 31st May 2024. 

Complete our short survey

If you would like assistance or require a different format, please contact us via: or call 0300 012 0122

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