1. Advice and Information -

    Find out how West Sussex Library Service can help you stay in contact with your loved one in a care home. You can also find online singing and reminiscence sessions to watch at home, as well as wellbeing and bereavement support.
  2. News -

    Thinking ahead to the end of life is a sensitive subject that no one likes to think about. However, the better we plan the more likely we are to have a good send-off.
  3. Advice and Information -

    Dementia Action Week (17-23 May) encourages everyone to take action to improve the lives of people affected by the condition.
  4. Report -

    Tapestry Day Club have clubs running across Horsham District and in other areas of West Sussex. The clubs are for small groups of older people who are lonely or socially isolated due to the pandemic and/or are living with early stage
  5. Advice and Information -

    September is World Alzheimer’s Month, an international campaign to raise dementia awareness and challenge stigma.