Conversations about End of Life: What's Important to you? (Webinar)

Thinking ahead to the end of life is a sensitive subject that no one likes to think about. However, the better we plan the more likely we are to have a good send-off.
Hands grasping with supportive words like 'connect'

Healthwatch in Sussex invite you to join a conversation about this important life-cycle event and discuss:

  • If I was ill, would I prefer to die at home or in a hospice or hospital? 
  • Who would I like around me at the end of my life?
  • What else do I need to consider when thinking about the end of my life?

This session is open for everyone, whether you are a member of the public, a patient, a carer, or health & social care staff.

The webinar will take place on Wednesday, 12th May, 12pm - 2pm. 

You will hear from speakers about ReSPECT, End of Life Companions, and other ways to plan your end of life. The session will also include an opportunity to discuss your priorities for your end of life and to hear from the Head of Integrated Care at the Clinical Commissioning Group. 

Speakers include 

Dr. Marian Messih - GP Clinical Lead with special interest in End of Life care for elderly people.

Li Mills - End of Life Doula (or companion)

Christine D’Cruz  - Healthwatch Director and co-author of "A Good Send-Off

Please click below to register:

End of Life Conversations Webinar Tickets, Wed 12 May 2021 at 12:00 l Eventbrite