1. Report -

    Read our report from the webinar we held with friends and family of care home residents in November.
  2. News -

    Update explaining why maternity services have had to change in West Sussex due to the pandemic.
  3. Blog -

    Keeping you up to date with health and social care news
  4. News -

    We are calling on carers to share their experiences to help improve support after a year which has seen enormous challenges for all those working in the health and social care sector, those using services and their loved ones.
  5. News -

    Crawley Community Transport to provide up to 1500 free of charge journeys to Mid Sussex, Horsham, Crawley, Adur & Worthing residents needing assistance to travel to their Coronavirus vaccination appointments.
  6. News -

    Are you a relative or carer with a loved one in a care home? If so, you are invited to join our online webinar.
  7. News -

    Take a look at what you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccination programme, including how you will know when it's your turn, where to go, and why it's important.
  8. Blog -

    The purpose of this survey is to find out what residents with sight or hearing impairments think about the services they receive.
  9. News -

    Healthwatch England have announced a dental crisis today – Healthwatch in Sussex have found similar concerns locally, talking to people across Sussex throughout the pandemic.
  10. Blog -

    Keeping you up to date with health and social care news
  11. Blog -

    We are working with East Grinstead Museum to document life in lockdown, around the town and surrounding area. We are also collecting stories of local individuals, and groups who have made a difference throughout the many lockdowns.
  12. Blog -

    As the COVID-19 Vaccination programme is underway in West Sussex, we are keen to hear your views and experiences.
  13. Report -

    We are supporting and working with community groups and clubs to promote a deeper understanding of local health and care needs and experiences. Here's our Spotlight on Please Give Me Space.
  14. Advice and Information -

    Take a look at what the guidance around visiting your loved ones in care homes means in practice.
  15. Blog -

    Health and Social Care Updates in West Sussex
  16. Report -

    An interim report from over 1800 survey responses from our Vaccination Survey from 3-8 March.
  17. Report -

    An observational assessment of the information provided on GP websites in West Sussex.
  18. Advice and Information -

    Routine dental care has had to change because of COVID-19, with many people struggling to access NHS services. Here’s some information on how to access an NHS dentist now COVID-19 restrictions are eased.
  19. Blog -

    Health and Social Care Updates in West Sussex
  20. Advice and Information -

    A quick guide for patients
  21. News -

    Find out more about our latest campaign, aiming to help the NHS to improve their written communications to patients.
  22. Blog -

    Keeping you up to date with health and social care news
  23. News -

    The NHS App will be available to use as a vaccine passport from Monday 17 May 2021.
  24. Report -

    Healthwatch in Sussex (Healthwatch Brighton and Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex) ran a survey that explored people’s experiences and views about the COVID-19 vaccine.
  25. News -

    Healthwatch England warns dental crisis shows no signs of slowing, with four in five people, 80%, struggling to access timely care during the last lockdown
  26. Advice and Information -

    Not all COVID tests are the same so it’s important to get the right one. Find out where to go to get tested, which test is most suitable for you, and what to do if you get a positive COVID-19 test result.
  27. News -

    Official figures released today, Thursday 27 May 2021, show that one million people in Sussex have now received their Covid-19 vaccination.
  28. Report -

    Ava, Fiona and Cathy shared with us their difficulties in accessing GP-Led services. Here are their journeys.
  29. News -

    Healthwatch England has joined forces with Traverse to explore vaccination confidence among people from African, Bangladeshi, Caribbean and Pakistani backgrounds living in the UK.
  30. Report -

    This report details residents’ experiences and views from our survey to understand from people how to improve the vaccine service and vaccine confidence.
  31. Advice and Information -

    The NHS provides essential treatments needed to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy and free of pain. Here
    is some advice and details of the treatments and costs, giving you the knowledge to smile with confidence.
  32. Blog -

    Keeping you up to date with health and social care news
  33. Blog -

    Susan shares with us her example of #ConfusingComms and how she felt receiving an NHS letter that frustrated her.
  34. Report -

    Our Annual Report, On Equal Terms, highlights our work, what we've achieved and our plans for next year
  35. Report -

    A series of webinar events were organised between September 2020 and March 2021 on behalf of informal carers (families and friends) of care home residents. This is our overarching report from these events.
  36. Report -

    Understanding the impact of long assessment delays
  37. Advice and Information -

    Sussex Health and Care Partnership's vision for a healthier future
  38. Blog -

    Keeping you up to date with health and social care news
  39. Advice and Information -

    Read about how coronavirus could affect you, your baby and your pregnancy care.
  40. Report -

    Healthwatch in Sussex is today publishing a report that shares its insight on the pressures being faced by local health services across the county.
  41. Report -

    Here is a summary of the breadth and depth of our work from April to June 2021, issues/concerns and our forward plan for the next 3 months.
  42. Advice and Information -

    Do you struggle to speak to your doctor about your medical concerns? You’re not alone. Take a look at these top tips to make the most out of your GP appointment.
  43. Report -

    Our report shares the themes and reflections of the Independent Health Complaints Advocacy Service team in 2020-21
  44. Report -

    Working with East Grinstead Museum, we have a series of Life in Lockdown studies that capture the pandemic experience and issues from the point of view of Businesses, Individuals, and Community Groups.
  45. Report -

    Working with East Grinstead Museum, we have a series of Life in Lockdown studies that capture the pandemic experience and issues from the point of view of Businesses, Individuals, and Community Groups.
  46. Report -

    Working with East Grinstead Museum, we have a series of Life in Lockdown studies that capture the pandemic experience and issues from the point of view of Businesses, Individuals, and Community Groups.