Words Save Lives - Organ Donation Week

Organ donation means giving part of your body to someone else who needs it. This amazingly generous act saves thousands of lives in the UK every year.
Lady arriving at hospital

All adults in England are now considered to have agreed to be an organ donor when they die unless they have recorded a decision not to donate or are in one of the excluded groups.​

Organ donation in England has changed to an opt out system.  It's still for you to decide whether or not you want to become an organ donor. ​

Medical professionals will always ask your family to support your decision. So whatever you choose, it's really important that you let them know.​

Only a third of adults in England have told their partner or family member that they want to be a donor. When family of a loved one do not know their decision, fewer than half will agree to donation going ahead, however when the decision is known, this rises to 9 out of 10 families who say yes to donation. 

Did you know? ​

  • Around 6,000 people across the UK are waiting for an organ transplant  ​

  • Only around 7,000 people across the UK each year die in circumstances where they can donate their organs​

  • Every day across the UK, someone dies waiting for a transplant​

  • Many people don’t realise that their family’s support is needed for organ donation to go ahead, and fewer than half of families agree to donation going ahead if they are unaware of their loved one’s decision to be a donor. 

This Organ Donation Week we're encouraging people to talk to their families about organ donation. We’re reminding people that no matter what their age, Organ Donation Week is a great opportunity to chat with their family and let them know whether they want to donate their organs when they die. A few words can make an extraordinary difference. You can find out more information on how to discuss your decision here​.

You can find out more information about organ donation on the NHS Website.  You can also register your decision about organ donation here.